
Microsoft Dynamics AX Blog


Populating Data from Different Companies

I came across a case where I needed to select a field value from different companies in Dynamics AX.

Simply what you have to do is the following (I choose ItemId to be taken from different companies as an example):

  1. Create a field in your table with an ExtendedDataType than has NO relation, MyNewItemIdEDT in our example
  2. Create an ItemCompany field, put the extended data type as dataAreaId
  3. Create a Relation in that table with the following elements (Normal relation elements):
    • <<NewTableName>>.MyNewItemId == InventTable.ItemId
    • <<NewTableName>>. ItemCompany = InventTable.dataAreaId


By this you would be able to select the ItemId field based on the selected dataareaid without writing any code even. :)

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