Browsing all articles tagged with Arabic Archives - Amer Atiyah, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog


Your business deserves more than
just an accounting solution.

Find out more at the Microsoft Dynamics Launch Event.

Dear Customer,

Microsoft is redefining how business solutions empower people for greater success, predict potential issues and opportunities, and enable organizations to expand the possibilities for competitive advantage.

Join us at the Microsoft Dynamics Launch Event to find out how to work forward and continue to grow into a well-connected, forward-looking organization that empowers its people to reach their full potential.

Meet Microsoft and Microsoft partners, learn about the latest Microsoft Dynamics solutions from industry experts, and find out how to deliver immediate results for your business.

Date: Sunday, 24th February, 2013
City: Riyadh
Venue: Intercontinental Hotel
Tracks: Multiple tracks


Register now


08:00 – 09:00 Registration & Morning Coffee
09:00 – 09:15 Welcoming & Introduction
09:15 – 09:30 Keynote
09:30 – 10:00 CRM Overview
10:00 – 11:30 CRM Partner Solution

AX R2 2012 Track
12:45 – 01:30 AX R2 2012 Overview
01:30 – 03:00 AX Partner Solution
03:00 – 03:30 Microsoft Dynamics Communities in Saudi: Why, how and where?
03:30 – 05:00 Prayer, Coffee Break & Meeting the Partners

GP 2013 Track 
01:00 – 03:00 GP Partner Solution
03:00 – 05:00 Prayer, Coffee Break & Meeting the Partners Prayer,


NAV 2013 Track
01:00 – 03:00 NAV Partner Solution
03:00 – 05:00 Prayer, Coffee Break & Meeting the Partners



Description: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, Powerful, Agile and Simple  

Microsoft Dynamics AX Brains community in Saudi Arabia is pleased to conduct a series of sessions about the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.


Agenda (10:00AM – 03:15PM):

Session Title

Start time

End time








Budget Control in AX 2012



Ahmad Yakan

Will focus on the budget control in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and how this functionality keeps the spending and expenses under control and contributes with best performance for cost reduction in the enterprise.


Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012



Ahmad Maghraby

In nowadays challenging economic conditions, companies are looking for strong supplier relationships. Businesses worldwide realized that in the long run, better suppliers selection to building sustainable, workable relationships is more profitable than pitting suppliers against one other for marginal price reductions. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 came with a lot of new and enhanced features enabling businesses to better manage their suppliers and allowing for the improvement of collaborative relationships with them.


Prayer and Coffee Break






What do you know about Reporting in Dynamics AX 2012



Amer Atiyah

Reports are the result of entering, validating, and storing the data in any business application. Dynamics AX 2012 comes with rich utilities to view data in many ways such as tabular, list, matrix, charts, KPIs, and cubes reporters. Examine the SSRS & SSIS reporting of Dynamics AX 2012 in 45 minutes and discover how rich this ERP is.


Get in touch with Microsoft Dynamics SureStep



Saied AlHamwi

Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step is a full customer lifecycle methodology for all Microsoft Dynamics® solutions, providing the Microsoft ecosystem with comprehensive sales through delivery guidance, project management discipline alignment and field-driven best practices. Sure Step is designed to enable the solution provider to better serve their customers by helping reduce their Microsoft Dynamics total cost of ownership. Sure Step content covers the Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM solution suite of solutions, including Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, and Microsoft Dynamics SL. The guidance, tools, templates and best practices provided in the methodology can help increase the consistency, timeframes, quality and success of the Microsoft Dynamics engagements.






Ahmed Yakan, MCITP, MCT

Regional Manager at Trax Consulting

Ahmed has more than 7 years of experience in business solutions and ERP implementations especially in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Working in a variety of different roles including project Management, team leading, and consultancy, Ahmed has exceptional functional skills. Through the multiple ERP implementations he participated in, Ahmed gained deep business knowledge across all functional areas in AX including (Supply Chain, Finance, Projects, Service Management, Production, Professional Services Automation, Cost Accounting and Expense Management).

Ahmed has the implementation experience in all business types starting by the manufacturing and Trade business environments, passing by the services environment and ending by real estate activities.

He has worked with different versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX including (V 3.0, V 4.0, V 2009 & V 2012).


Ahmed Maghraby, CPIM, CSCP, CPF, PMP

Operations Manager at Trax Consulting

Ahmed is multi-certified, Supply Chain and Operations Management professional with long experience in implementing and supporting enterprise business solutions.

With more than 15 years of experience in the consulting field, He worked in variety of different roles including, Operations Manager, Professional Services Manager, Projects Manager, Consultant and Developer. He has an exceptional combination of Business and Technology knowledge. Working on numerous ERP implementations, Mr. Ahmed gained an extensive knowledge across many functional areas of business, including supply chain management, production and management accounting. He has worked with many ERP systems including Microsoft Dynamics AX (V 3.0, V 4.0, V 2009 & V 2012), SAP Netweaver and Sage.


Amer Atiyah

Dynamics AX Brains Community Lead

Passionate Software Development and Deployment, Technology, ERP industry, HR and Payroll professional with over than 7 years of hands-on experience of Microsoft Dynamics AX.

He is leading a team of AX profissionals in developing and implementing HR & Payroll add-on to serve Microsoft partners and customers in different countries in the Middle East.

He has been a speaker for Microsoft Dynamics AX in Microsoft GDC, OpenDoor and the local technical communities. You can reach Amer through his technical blog:


Saied Al Hamwi

Business Applications Manager at ACWA Holding

Saied has more than 12years of experience in ERP implementation, Project management and Industrial engineering, with solid business and industrial background.

His proven functional experience in different modules and roles has enabled him to manage the implementation project with high efficiency, utilizing the project management standards and Microsoft implementation methodology.

Main Sponsors:


Other Sponsors:

 Dynamics Academy

Solvait - HR & Payroll Solutions for Dynamics AX


Windows Server 2012: Built from the Cloud Up



Join us for the Windows Server 2012 launch!

Celebrate the arrival of Windows Server 2012 with Microsoft experts and a community of users!Learn more about amazing new capabilities in different areas, like:
  • Virtualization
  • Storage
  • Networking
  • Management
  • Application Development
  • VDI
You’ll have technical sessions, resources, demonstrations and more – on demand and at your fingertips.Event details:
September 29, 2012
9:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Al-Faisaliah Hotel, Riyadh


Microsoft OpenDoor is the largest Microsoft technical event in Saudi Arabia during Fiscal Year 2011. The keynote speaker for this event will be Microsoft CEO “Steve Ballmer”. Open Door is a 3-days conference (2-days in Riyadh city on Nov 2/3, 1-day in Jeddah city on Nov 7). The OpenDoor event is designed to attract more than 2200 TDMs, IT technical professionals and developers in Saudi Arabia. The event consists of 3 different tracks: one for IT professionals, one for developers, and one for technical Managers. The event’s main theme will be “Transitioning to the cloud & technology roadmap”, and it will cover various Microsoft technologies in cloud computing, IW, core infrastructure, database, client, in addition application platform and tools. Subject matter experts from Microsoft and top local industry experts will be speaking at the event. A major highlight of this big event will be the Microsoft partners’ expo where top Microsoft partners show their latest solutions and offerings in the Saudi market.

Following is a brief about the main tracks that will be run during this event:

  • General Track: 3 keynotes, 2 closing sessions
  • IT Professional Track: 11 breakout sessions with deep technical demos for IT technical professionals for the full duration of event
  • Developer Track: 11 breakout sessions with deep technical demos for IT technical professionals for the full duration of event
  • Technical Managers Track: 10 IT management and strategy sessions during 2nd day of the event in Riyadh, and during Jeddah event day
  • Partners Expo: Sponsoring partners will be demonstrating and showing their local solutions/offerings in the market for the full duration of the event

Saudi OpenDoor Event

Microsoft OpenDoor Event


Arabic Help Files for Dynamics AX 2009

Arabic Help Files


If you don’t have the Arabic help files of Dynamics AX you could download them from here:

To install the downloaded file to your environment, you have to get it copied to all the clients that needs to access the help files in an Arabic version. To get that, do the following:

  1. Download the files
  2. Unzip the folder in order to to get the “AR” folder
  3. Copy the unzipped folder in each client into: <<Installation folder>>Microsoft Dynamics AX50ClientBinHelp

By this you will be able to read the help files in the Arabic version.

And of course, do not forget to turn the Help language in the User Options form into AR!

User options form (Click to enlarge)

Here we are :)

Help in Arabic (Click to enlarge)


Hijri date in Dynamics AX

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, Hirji calendar (the Islamic calendar) is not yet supported although Hirji date is there in the background of Dynamics AX 2009!

To enable the Hirji Calendar, you should modify some X++ code in the User Options form. To do so, go to: SysUserSetup –> Methods –> run and change the following blue code into the red:

Enabeling Hijri Calendar in User Options form in X++

Enabeling Hijri Calendar in User Options form in X++


  By doing this, you will have a drop down list in the User Options shown in the General tab like the following:

Hijri date in User Options form

With this options, you could clearly understand that Microsoft is putting something to enable the Hijri calendar. I have done some testing over this options. It looks that they’re using a middleware to convert the “actual” Gregorian date that is in the database so the user see the data in Hijri format. Unfortunately, I couldn’t complete the testing with successful results… it started to get me weird results. That’s why Microsoft is not yet supporting it.


Till Microsoft supports it, you could use a very easy to use function in the SQL server: convert(datetime,’12-22-2009′,102), 131)  


To solve the Hirji date problem, you could create a class with two methods:  


  1. One that takes a “date”  and returns a Hirji date after calling this SQL method: select convert(varchar,convert(datetime,’12-22-2009′,102), 131)  –try to run this in SQL Server to see the result. 
  2. Other that takes a Hijri date in an str format, and returns a date by executing this SQL code:  select convert(datetime,’22-01-1417′, 131) –try to run this in SQL Server to see the result

 By this, you could have the ability to show the user a StringEdit control that uses edit moeth to write a Hirji date and you save the result of conversion in the normal Gregorian date, like this:

Edit method to show Hirji date from Gregorian date

This is the result:

Hiji StringEdit control and DateEdit control

Hiji StringEdit control and DateEdit control



Number to Text in ARABIC

In my last session in GDC ’09, Integrating Dynamics AX with External Systems, I have demonstrated how you easily could reference you managed code assembly inside Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 and use it in X++ through CLR Interoperability functionality.

And to demonstrate CLR Interoperability, one of the examples was creating a managed code a dll library in Visual Studio .NET 2008. The library I created contained a function that converts numbers (come through parameters) to Arabic text. It looks that this small function attracted some of the attendees, they requested it from me by the end of the session.

And here it is available to be downloaded. I have put it in a dll project that you could immediately use.

Dynamics AX 2012 Event

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Random Testimonial

  • ~ Mohammad A-Awami, Dynamics AX Specialist at WorleyParsons

    AlAwami"I worked with Amer for WorleyParsons. I found him very cooperative. He is able to help me in a lot of issues that related to ax. His ability to solve the problems is fascinating me. It is so fast and done on the best practice. His ability on business analysis and implantation are done on the best methods."

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