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I personally believe that implementing an ERP successfully, is nothing but a huge change in organizations. This change involves processes change, organizations structure, new challenges, eliminating old challenges, quicker response to clients, better and quicker planning.. etc. These changes are only part of the changes that this ERP software does. It’s not like any other type of software like content management or portals for example.

If you are an implementer for ERP or an end user in an organization that is experiencing an ERP implementation… you have to put this idea before, during and after the implementation. You have to have this idea in order to think how the user thinks, to encourage people around, to let them involved in this change, to support you to achieve the goals of the change in its optimal goals.

According to statistics, the main reason behind EPR failure is not the software implemented… rather it is people. 80% of ERP failure reasons are people! Nature of people in the whole world refuses changes. Even if this change is for their own good, they just refuse it… because it is a change.

A very good example of the support that all people involved in the implementation should have is what I have seen when I was visiting a company in Riyadh. This company is currently implementing SAP, they have put a screen in front of the main gate of the company showing a counter for the remaining days, hours, minutes and even seconds for the go live date. Here is a picture for it:


This kind of encouragement is very vital for people to feel the responsibility on their shoulders every time they go into the office.

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  • ~ Muheet Shariff, Dynamics AX Consultant

    muheet"I have found Amer a pleasant, generous person who is never afraid to take on a challenging task.Amer is an independent, self directed person who is able to communicate effectively and meet even the most demanding challenges. I am positive he will make outstanding contributions to Microsoft technologies. It was a great experience working with Amer during our implementation of Dynamics AX at  Al-Fahad and Al-Othaim companies. His support to Microsoft Dynamics AX is outstanding and very professional. Technically he sounds very strong. It was a great pleasure to be associated along with Amer performing some challenging tasks. I wish him to reach the desired success with his professionalism."

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