
Microsoft Dynamics AX Blog


Dynamics AX Brains new website!

During the last two weeks, I was busy in reserving a domain and some conents in it for the Dynamics AX communithy in Saudi Arabia. Finally I was able to get a site and install the following parts:

  • Announcements
  • Events
  • Blogs
  • Forums
  • Downloads
  • and Feedback.

By all of those stuff in one place over the web serving the Dynamics AX ERP, we’re hoping the community members will find the website useful! :)

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Random Testimonial

  • ~ Muheet Shariff, Dynamics AX Consultant

    muheet"I have found Amer a pleasant, generous person who is never afraid to take on a challenging task.Amer is an independent, self directed person who is able to communicate effectively and meet even the most demanding challenges. I am positive he will make outstanding contributions to Microsoft technologies. It was a great experience working with Amer during our implementation of Dynamics AX at  Al-Fahad and Al-Othaim companies. His support to Microsoft Dynamics AX is outstanding and very professional. Technically he sounds very strong. It was a great pleasure to be associated along with Amer performing some challenging tasks. I wish him to reach the desired success with his professionalism."

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