
Microsoft Dynamics AX Blog


Developing applications is now easier and faster in the new Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 than its earlier versions. .NET developers who are familiar with Visual Studio .NET will be comfortable with developing Dynamics AX applications although Dynamics AX has its own IDE which called MorphX and its own programming language with is X++.

This image shows the Dynamics AX AOT (Application Objects Tree), one of the MorphX IDE objects that Dynamics AX developers use to navigate through programming objects like Forms, Reports, and X++ Classes:


















With Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, you can view that AOT in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2012:

Dynamics AX 2012 Applicatoin Explorer in VS.NET


Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 now creates proxies internally to support interacting with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 X++ classes, tables and base enums. By creating those proxies, developers will interact with Dynamics AX objects in C# and VB.NET exactly as if they are interacting with it in X++. After the proxy is created, that type is available as a strong type and features such as IntelliSense are available. For example, table fields and X++ methods are now exposed to be used in C# with one click. The created proxies are using .NET business connector internally to connect to the Dynamics AX objects.

The following pictures speak quietly how you can access and interact with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 objects from within Microsoft Visual  Studio 2010:

Adding Visual Studio Project to the Dynamics AX 2012 AOT

Visual Studio Project inside Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 AOT

Adding a Dynamics AX 2012 object to the VS 2010 Creates an Internal Proxy


The CustTable Appears in the Solution Explorer. You Can Now Use the Dynamics AX CustTable Methods, Properties and Fields!

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  • ~ Mohamad Al-Shami, Chief of Finance and IT at WorleyParsons

    shamiii"Amer Atiyah has provided us a full time support. His involvement has crossed project management, Installation, data migration, system analysis and design for Payroll. Amer has a proven "can do" attitude and prepared to roll up his sleeves and get the job done. He has, and are continuing to, assist us with the successful delivery of our Dynamics AX ERP Implementation."

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